Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

By using  mytalkbubble.com site and any related services and products offered, you agree to comply with and are bound to these terms and conditions, and you have read and understood the disclaimer document and any all other documents referred to herein, set out the terms of use under which you may use this website mytalkbubble.com.   If you do not agree to comply with or be bound by these terms and conditions, you must stop using our site mytalkbubble.com and services offered therein, immediately.   For the purpose of this document, any references to “user” would be you, the user, and any references to our website is our site “mytalkbubble.com”, and any references to the owner and author is the founder of the website Atia Lokhat.

  1. Cancellation Policy: If you wish to cancel or amend your session please do so within 24 hours otherwise you will be charge in full for missed sessions the normal session rate.

  2. Confidentiality: Client confidentiality is maintained except when there are legal and ethical reasons for disclosure. We will discuss these exceptions with you before we share any information if possible. These exceptions are: If we need to receive my own supervision to ensure we continue to provide a safe and ethical service for our clients; when we feel there is danger of serious harm to yourself or others; If we are legally required to where to disclose of any illegal activities our client is involved in such as terrorism or drug trafficking etc.; or we have been asked by court order to provide any such information.

  3. Information Storage: Personal details will be stored securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018) . We try to keep minimum notes and records where possible, with the exception of personal information (name, address, date of birth etc.), confidential case notes.

  4. Website Cookies: This website mytalkbubble.com uses Cookies similar technologies which helps to distinguish users from one another and helps to provide users with a better experience on the site. If you continue to use mytalkbubble.com this is deemed to be an acceptance of cookies or if you press “accept”when a cookie pop up message appears or you have selected a preferred cookie options in an “our cookie” pop up message and press continue. However, please stop using our site mytalkbubble.com immediately if you don’t agree with use of Website Cookies.

  5. Access to mytalkbubble.com:

       i. Free of charge

        ii. We may alter/change/suspend/discountiue out website without notice at any time and not liable in any way if our site is unavailable at any given time.

  6. Individual Property Rights:

        i. All content included on mytalkbubble.com and the copyright and other intellectual property rights (unless specifically labelled otherwise) belongs to the owner and author of the site. All content is protected by applicable United Kingdom and international intellectual property laws and treaties.

        ii. You may not use any part of the content on mytalkbubble.com which has been downloaded or saved, for any commercial purposes, without obtaining a license from the owner/author.

  7. Disclaimer: This site does not provide medical advice rather only information. For issues regarding your health conditions or medical issues you must seek advice from your Doctor/GP. The service and information provided by practitioners of mytalkbubble.com isn’t a substitute for any professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Practitioners work with clients to customise a program which best matches needs of the subject. Treatment through talk sessions is designed to improve symptoms but not guaranteed to “fix” issues. Much of the success of the treatment depend on clients cooperation in taking ownership and following the recommended action plan to reach personal goals discussed in therapy. Practitioners for this website are not members of BACP, however, have background knowledge, years of experience and on-going training in mental health and counselling skills. Talk Practitioner Atia, has developed her own helping model through years of experience with nearly 100% success rate, resulting in an overall improvement in mental well-being of her clients. Please see client testimonials for more detail.

  8. Using mytalkbubble.com:

       i.  You may use this site if done so in a fair and legal manner, and not suggest that we endorse or approve or associated with a 3rd party where it does not exist, you don’t use any content on this site without our written consent.

      ii.   You are not permitted to frame or embed mytalkbubble on any other websites.

      iii.   You do not link any of these items to our site

    1.     Sexually explicit content

    2.     Discriminatory or racial content

    3.     Anything that promotes illegal activity

    4.     Anything that promotes violence or self-harm

    5.     Anything that is deliberately made to be obscene, offensive, hurtful, damaging, hateful in any way, shape or form

    6.     Misleading or untruthful content

    7.     Content which infringes on our Intellectual Property Rights

    8.     Anything in breach of our duty owed to third party

  9. Our Liability to you:

            i.     We accept no liability whatsoever, to any user for any loss or damage in foreseeable future or otherwise, in contract, tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty, or anything that might occur through use of our site mytalkbubble.com

          ii.     We accept no liability for any loss of profits, sales, revenue, savings, directly or indirectly by use of our website mytalkbubble.com

         iii.     We accept no liability for any damage or loss which may occur as a result of virus malware or any other damage to your hardware or software as a result of using our website

  10. Changes to these Terms and Conditions:

         i.     We may make changes/alter these terms and conditions at any time and any such changes will become binding on you upon your first use of our site mytalkbubble.com after the changes have been implemented. Please check for any updates and changes from time to time.

  11. Communication: From time to time we may send you important notices by email. If you would like to contact us for any questions or complaints please email us at atiahafezjee@gmail.com

  12. These terms and conditions and the relationship between you and us (the owner and author of the website mytalkbubble.com) whether contractual or otherwise shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, or the country of your residency whether you are an individual or a business.

  13. COVID 19: All detailed risk assessment for talk therapy services have been identified and minimised risk posed by COVID-19, regular checks and updates implemented, relevant PPE will be used by talk practitioner and client to meet COVID-19 government guidelines issue by Public Health England, the NHS and any other relevant body. By using this site services and talk therapy services the cliens agrees to carry out all pre-treatment protocols relating to COVID-19. The practitioners at mytalkbubble take no responsibility for any COVID-19 related issues arising for the client as a result of using talk therapy services through this site, and the responsibility and liability lies with the clients alone.

  14. Insurance: Atia is a fully insured talk practitioner.